Rev. Dr. Braden Andersen is an enrolled full-time evangelist with the UPCI. His secular career started in Hospital Administration, Emergency Medicine, & Inpatient Internal Medicine before launching his own Primary Care offices in Washington State. Dr. Andersen recently gave up these Family Practice clinics, along with teaching for several medical schools, to evangelize full-time. Dr Andersen has been involved in Apostolic church leadership & ministry for over 16 years. Additionally, he served as the North American Missions Director for Washington - Sec 1. Braden & Kindra and have 3 children and often travel together internationally. Their typical ministry focus is outreach, crusades, altar working, discipleship, and retention. In addition to his background in medicine, Dr. Andersen also has an MBA with a focus in management, marketing, and market forecasting. They have extensive experience with block parties, giveaway services, community outreaches, personal evangelism, crusade services, and tent revivals. Learn more here: "The Jesus Tent Revival."